C.D.Yang; S.Y. Han, 2022, Orbital and Spin Dynamics of Electron’s States Transition in Hydrogen Atom Driven by Electric Field, Photonics, 卷, 9期, SCI
C.D.Yang; S.Y. Han, 2021, Tunneling quantum dynamics in ammonia, International journal of molecular sciences, 卷, 22期, SCI
C.D.Yang; S.Y. Han, 2021, Extending quantum probability from real axis to complex plane, Entropy, 卷, 期, SCI
C.D.Yang; S.Y. Han, 2020, Trajectory Interpretation of Correspondence Pronciple: Solution of Nodal Issue, Foundations of Physics, 卷, 50期, SCI
Ciann-Dong Yang, Shiang-Yi Han, 2020, Complex Space Nature of the Quantum World: Return Causality to Quantum Mechanics, :Intechopen