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論文名稱 Tunneling quantum dynamics in ammonia
發表日期 2021-07-31
論文收錄分類 SCI
所有作者 C.D.Yang; S.Y. Han
作者順序 第二作者
刊物名稱 International journal of molecular sciences
發表期數 22
期刊或學報出版地國別/地區 NATSWE-瑞典王國
發表年份 2021
發表月份 7
發表形式 電子期刊

[英文摘要] :
Ammonia is a well-known example of a two-state system and must be described in quantum-mechanical terms. In this article, we will explain the tunneling phenomenon that occurs in ammonia molecules from the perspective of trajectory-based quantum dynamics, rather than the usual quantum probability perspective. The tunneling of the nitrogen atom through the potential barrier in ammonia is not merely a probability problem; there are underlying reasons and mechanisms explaining why and how the tunneling in ammonia can happen. Under the framework of quantum Hamilton mechanics, the tunneling motion of the nitrogen atom in ammonia can be described deterministically in terms of the quantum trajectories of the nitrogen atom and the quantum forces applied. The vibrations of the nitrogen atom about its two equilibrium positions are analyzed in terms of its quantum trajectories, which are solved from the Hamilton equations of motion. The vibration periods are then computed by the quantum trajectories and compared with the experimental measurements.