Armin Ibitz, 2024, Net Zero from a European Perspective, 與世界接軌-迎接淨零排放永續新時代研習會, NATTWN-中華民國, Kaohsiung
Armin Ibitz, 2024, Transformative Change through Digital Skills: Advocating for Sustainable Development, 2024素養導向教學研討會:創新科技賦能與社會實踐 2024 Conference on Competence-Based Education: Innovation in Digital Empowerment and Social Practice, NATTWN-中華民國, Taipei
Rollet, Vincent & Armin Ibitz, 2022, Teaching European Environmental Health Issues in Taiwan: An EMI and Transdisciplinary Course with Interactive Activities and Educative Exhibition, 輔仁大學外語學院 2022 教學實踐研討會, NATTWN-中華民國, Taipei
Armin Ibitz, 2021, Deutschland auf dem Weg zu einer Kreislaufwirtschaft: Dekarbonisierung durch Digitalisierung?, Deutsch-Taiwanische Hefte, 28卷, 期, 其他
Armin Ibitz, 2021, Digital Product Passports for a Low-Carbon Circular Economy?, Wenzao Europe Newsletter, no. 155 (14-21)卷, 期, 其他
Armin Ibitz, 2021, Prepared for the EU Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism?, Wenzao Europe Newsletter, no. 154 (17-22)卷, 期, 其他
Rollet, Vincent and Ibitz Armin, 2021, Framing Covid-19 as an Environmental Health Issue: Narratives in Europe and their interpretations, Languages and International Studies, 25卷, 期, 其他
Rollet, Vincent and Ibitz Armin, 2021, Framing Covid-19 as an Environmental Health Issue: Narratives in Europe and their interpretations, Journal of Languages and International Studies, 卷, 期, 其他
Armin Ibitz, 2020, The Implications of Brexit for Establishing a European Circular Economy, Tamkang Journal of International Affairs, 24 (1)卷, 期, 其他
Armin Ibitz, 2020, Kompetenzstärkung im berufsorientierten Deutschunterricht durch simulierte Unternehmensgründungen. In: Kompetenzorientierung im berufsbezogenen DaF-Unterricht in Taiwan (Hrsg. Maertens, André Sven), p17-46, Norderstedt, Germany:BoD
Armin Ibitz, 2020, Assessing Taiwan’s endeavors towards a circular economy: the electronics sector, Asia Europe Journal, 卷, 期, SSCI
Armin Ibitz, 2019, The EU Digital Single Market: The case of Smart Meter Deployment, The 2nd Wenzao European Forum: Review and Prospect of Juncker's 10 Commission Priorities for 2014-19, NATTWN-中華民國, Wenzao University, Kaohsiung
Armin Ibitz, 2019, Securing Raw Material Supplies through Circular Economy: Lessons learned from the EU, Wenzao ICSEAS: Global vs Regional vs Local, NATTWN-中華民國, Wenzao University, Kaohsiung
Armin Ibitz, 2019, Zwischen Fachkräftemangel und Massenarbeitslosigkeit: Für wen bilden wir eigentlich aus?, DAAD-Ortslektorentreffen, NATTWN-中華民國, National Taiwan University, Taipei
Armin Ibitz, 2019, How does Brexit affect Environmental Policy Making of the EU?, Brexit & Development in Europe, NATTWN-中華民國, Tamkang University, Taipei
Armin Ibitz, 2018, Going in circles: The EU Strategy for Plastics in a Circular Economy, The First Wenzao European Forum: Europe and the Development of Global Politics and Economy in the 21st Century, NATTWN-中華民國, Kaohsiung
Armin Ibitz, 2018, Decarbonization of the Maritime Shipping Sector: The Role of ASEAN member states, Wenzao International Conference on Southeast Asian Studies 2018, NATTWN-中華民國, Wenzao University, Kaohsiung
Armin Ibitz, 2018, Zur Entwicklung von Umweltkompetenz an Hochschulen, Taipei, Taiwan:上林文化事業有限公司
Armin Ibitz, 2018, Eco-Management and Audit Scheme (EMAS) at German Higher Education Institutions, Languages and International Studies, 卷, 19期, 其他
Armin Ibitz, 2018, How Taiwan Strives to Turn into a Circular Economy: the E-Waste Sector, The 15th Annual Conference of the European Association of Taiwan Studies, NATCHE-瑞士聯邦, University of Zürich
Armin Ibitz, 2018, Rationalität und Fremdsprache, DAAD Ortslektoren-Treffen, National Taiwan University, NATTWN-中華民國, Taipei
Armin Ibitz, 2017, The Potential of Urban Mining in ASEAN, 11th APISA Congress: 50 Years of ASEAN, NATTHA-泰王國(泰國), Naresuan University, Phitsanulok
1, 2017, The Potential of Urban Mining in ASEAN, 11th APISA Congress: 50 Years of ASEAN, NATTHA-泰王國(泰國), Phitsanulok
Armin Ibitz, 2017, Rational Irrational: Was beim Fremdsprachenerwerb von der Verhaltensökonomie zu lernen ist, 2017 International Conference on “Tradition and Innovation in Europe and in the European Union”, NATTWN-中華民國, Taipei
Armin Ibitz, 2017, The Promotion of Environmental Literacy under an Attention Economy Perspective, Interface - Journal of European Languages and Literature, 2卷, 期, 其他
Armin Ibitz, 2016, Zur Einbindung von Massive Open Online Courses in den deutschen Fremdsprachenerwerb, Interplay: A Journal of Languages, Linguistics, and Literature, Vol. 1卷, No. 2期, 其他
Armin Ibitz (華明儀), 2015, Aim at the Impossible: Incentive-based vs Command-and-control Approaches in Greening Higher Education Institutions, 2015 U-6 Forum:"A New Topic in Higher Education: Environmental Protection & Sustainable Development", NATCHN-大陸地區, Anhui, China
Armin Ibitz (華明儀), 2015, Environmental Literacy and Language Learning: An Attention Economy Perspective, 2015 6th NTU Symposium on European Languages in East Asia, NATTWN-中華民國, Taipei
Armin Ibitz, 2015, 外语教育:专业化与复合化:第十届海峡两岸外语教学研讨会论文集-Planspiele als Werkzeug zur Stärkung fachlicher und fremdsprachlicher Kompetenzen, 中國上海:上海外語教育出版社
Armin Ibitz, 2015, Implementing Environmental Education in Language Teaching, 2015 International Conference on Language Education and Studies, NATTWN-中華民國, Kaohsiung
Armin Ibitz, 2015, Der Einsatz von MOOCs im fachlichen Fremdsprachenerwerb, 2015 歐洲文化與旅遊及語言學術研討會, NATTWN-中華民國, Dacun, Changhua
Armin Ibitz, 2014, 5 Jahre Vertrag von Lissabon: Die Auswirkungen des Reformvertrages auf die Umweltpolitik der Europäischen Union, 2014 International Conference on European-Asian Languages, NATTWN-中華民國, Kaohsiung
Armin Ibitz, 2014, Towards a global scheme for carbon emissions reduction in aviation: China’s role in blocking the extension of the European Union’s Emissions Trading Scheme, Asia Europe Journal, 卷, 期, SSCI
Armin Ibitz, 2013, Human Security and the Environment in Asia: The Case of E-Waste, Rethinking Human Security in the Asian Century, NATTWN-中華民國, Taichung
Armin Ibitz, 2013, Planspiele als Werkzeug zur Stärkung fachlicher und fremdsprachlicher Kompetenzen, 2013年第十屆海峽兩岸外語教學研討會, NATCHN-大陸地區, Shanghai
Armin Ibitz, 2013, The Role of Environmental Management Systems in Promoting Sustainable Development at Higher Education Institutions, 2013 U-6 Forum on International Cooperation and Education, NATCHN-大陸地區, Guangchou
Armin Ibitz, 2013, Interdisziplinarität im Wirtschaftsdeutsch-Unterricht: vernetzen, verschränken, querdenken, Wirtschaftsdeutsch im Unterricht. Konzepte – Erfahrungen – Methoden, NATTWN-中華民國, Taipei
Armin Ibitz, 2012, The Impediments of Policy Coordination on E-Waste in ASEAN, Indonesian Journal of International Law, 9卷, 3期, 其他
Armin Ibitz, 2012, Environmental Policy Coordination in ASEAN: The Case of Waste From Electrical and Electronic Equipment, ASEAS - Austrian Journal of South-East Asia Studies, 卷, 期, 其他
Armin Ibitz (華明儀), 2011, Deutschlands Atom-Kehrtwende Im Kontext des EU-Klimaschutzes unter umweltökonomischer Perspektive., 台德學刊Deutsch-taiwanische Hefte, Nr.21卷, 21期期, 其他