Antonia Hsiu-chen Lin & Chun-Ching Hsieh, 2018, Online readability analysis: A case study on texts retrieved from the course book and workbook, 2018 International Conference on European-Asian Languages, NATTWN-中華民國, Kaohsiung
Chun-Ching Hsieh, 2018, Frequency and Variability of Figurative Uses of Motion Verbs in Readers for Pre-Intermediate EFL Learners, 教科書研究, 11卷, 1期, TSSCI
2018, 林秀珍, 謝君青, 初探英文閱讀教科書範文之可讀性研究:, 其他單位產學計畫
2016, 謝君青, 林秀珍, 英文閱讀教材適讀性調查:以Level 6為例, 其他單位產學計畫
2016, 謝君青, 陳淑玲, 英語教師對教材內容認知的差異性研究:以製作初, 企業產學計畫(含公營及私人企業)
Antonia Hsiu-Chen LIN & Chun-Ching HSIEH, 2015, EFL University Student Writers’ Perceptions of, Journal of English Education, 4卷, 1期, 其他