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專書(含篇章)及其他著作名稱 運動博弈中賭盤盤口與比賽成績之關係:以2017年美國職棒大聯盟為例
專書出版日期 2018-08-01
專書類別 紙本
使用語文 中文
作者順序 第一作者
出版年 2018
出版月 8
出版地 臺灣臺北
出版者(社) 冠唐國際圖書公司
ISBN編號 ISBN:978-986-6089-81-7

[摘要] :

[英文摘要] :
Sports bettors and betting operators are always interested in analyzing statistical data and relevant information on various sporting events. This study aims to analyze the correlation between the results of home and away games in the 2017 Major League Baseball season and the handicap bets. The findings are as follows: 1. Major League Baseball does have home-field advantage in both home and away games; in terms of single team, 21 out of 30 teams had home-field advantage and the remaining 7 teams had away-field advantage. 2. Both against the spread (ATS) and total goals over/under betting odds on different leagues in home and away games tend to be 50%; the banker gets the edge. 3. The relatively strong teams and the ones that attract media or public attention do not necessarily have a high ATS percentage. 4. The earned run average and the on-base plus slugging are important factors that affect the overall score of a game. There is a lot to learn regarding sports betting. Immersing yourself in the study of statistical data is a betting rule superior to that based on personal feelings/preferences, predictions made by experts, or analyses done by the media. ‘Investment management’ is crucial in sports betting. A sports bettor should manage the investment amount and analyze the statistical data and information in a systematic manner to improve the accuracy of prediction, in order to create long-term and effective investment performance.

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