
2010-10-06 00:50:28

listening and speaking homework

Q: Someone once said that getting to know a person over time is like peeling the layers of an onion. Have you ever peeled an onion? How might this be like getting to know a person better and better over time?
A: Yes, I have. When we try to make friends, we usually choose by the first impression. Just like selecting onions, we will determine the surface of it. We won’t know whether it is rotten until we peel it. Everyone in the world wears an invisible mask . If we want to figure out one’s innermost side , we should get along with the person for a long time. People will show their real personality when they get to know each other very well.

Has your study of English changed you in any way? If so, how? Share your answers to the following questions and give specific examples.
Q: Has it made you more or less friendly? Curious? Willing to take risks? In what ways?
A: Yes, it did make me more friendly and curious. Since I learned English, I am eager to help foreigners to solve problems. No matter how strange the situation is.

Q: Has it made you more or less critical of how people speak your native language? In what ways?
A: Because I know how hard to learn second language, it made me less critical of how people speak Chinese.

Q: Has it made you more or less tolerant of other cultures? In what ways?
A: I don’t think learning languages make me more tolerant of other cultures. A language can’t represent the whole culture.

Q: Has it changed your understanding or opinion of human nature or the ways that people typically behave ? In what ways?
A: Yes, foreigners like hugs and kisses. Asian can’t get used to this custom easily. But I know it very well now.

