

2014-03-05 10:38:14

What's second Life about?

Second life is an online game that many people live in virtual world, virtual life.

It has its own Economic System, called Linden.

The player in this game called "resident."

It can have much fun if you know how to play it, how to enjoy it.

So what can we do in second life?

Basically, We can be whatever character we want, change the outfits or appearance or your avatar, buy stuffs in shop or marketplace, and explore second life world because there are lots of countries or places worth to visit.

What’s more? You can talk to other residents! Make friends and have fun with other residents.

There are also some interesting avatar such as mermaid, fairy, elf, tree and eyeball etc.

What about earning Linden dollars?

There are some easy ways to share.

First, the easiest way to have lots of Linden dollars is buy it by paypal or any credit card you have on SL website.

Second, attend the party that have money giver box! It can have lots of fun and also earn some money.

Money giver box give random resident money, so sometimes you can earn a lot, sometimes you may not earn any penny.

Third, camping is also a good way that you don’t have to spend any real life money. But it will take a lot of time. You have to sit on the camping chair or camping ball to reach the time.

Fourth, if you are good at making 3D stuff, draw any texture with any software or build things on second life, you can have your own shop in world or on marketplace.

There are an American woman she has become rich by investing the estate.

Second life can have so much fun, so why not to have your own second life?

Here are a video about second life
