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[英文摘要] :
Thai Youth adopt tactics from the Movement of Milk Tea Alliance against authoritarianism in Thai society via Twitter. Digital media is an essential tool for integrating the opinions and movements of the new generation because it is easily accessible and dispersed, unlike previous generations, for which the authorities controlled the media and public spaces for expressing opinions. The youth movement in Thailand amid the pandemic from 2020-2022 is from the anti-authoritarianism in Thai society. Authoritarianism in Thailand has its root in the caste system in Thai schools that contributed to a system of power craziness. The students worried about their future under the authoritarian system that had muted their voices under the fear of being disliked by society. Twitter has been a free space for the shared opinion of the people who used to feel weak in Thai society under authoritarianism. The unlimited cyber potential had expanded the community in people's imagination to become real and can be seen in the demonstration in 2020 all over the country Thailand. Twitter even became a medium on its own, fostering communication, exchanging ideas, and creating an imagined community. It brings together those willing to share their thoughts through online media without needing a leader, place, or other resources to create an international alliance. Only the media, universal language, and ideology can explain the phenomenon of youth resistance to authoritarianism through transnational cooperation.
Keywords: Milk Tea Alliance, Thai Youth, Twitter, Authoritarianism
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