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論文名稱 Trajectory Interpretation of Correspondence Pronciple: Solution of Nodal Issue
發表日期 2020-07-25
論文收錄分類 SCI
所有作者 C.D.Yang; S.Y. Han
作者順序 第二作者
刊物名稱 Foundations of Physics
發表期數 50
期刊或學報出版地國別/地區 NATEU-歐盟
發表年份 2020
發表月份 7
發表形式 紙本及電子期刊

[英文摘要] :
The correspondence principle states that the quantum system will approach the classical system in high
quantum numbers. Indeed, the average of the quantum probability density distribution reflects a classicallike distribution. However, the probability of finding a particle at the node of the wave function is zero.
This condition is recognized as the nodal issue. In this paper, we propose a solution for this issue by
means of complex quantum random trajectories, which are obtained by solving the stochastic differential
equation derived from the optimal guidance law. It turns out that the point set A, which is formed by the
intersections of complex random trajectories with the real axis, can represent the quantum mechanical
compatible distribution of the quantum harmonic oscillator system. Meanwhile, the projections of
complex quantum random trajectories on the real axis form the point set B that gives a spatial distribution
without the appearance of nodes and approaches the classical compatible distribution in high quantum
numbers. Furthermore, the statistical distribution of the point set B is verified by the solution of the
Fokker-Planck equation.