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[英文摘要] :
As the inevitable trend of interactive technology develops, free templated programs such as game-based systems have been increasingly integrated in teaching. Studies have also extended to focus on game-based learning such as instant feedback systems. Gaming is regarded a fascinating part among learners, especially teens, and it has been introduced to education and resulted in an alternative learning experience. Nevertheless, studies on game-based application such as Kahoot in language teaching are less frequently documented in the literature. This paper reports on the use of Kahoot among a group of tertiary-leveled undergraduate students majoring in English in an evening division of a language university located in southern Taiwan. A group of tertiary level students (28) attended a 36-hour English listening course in the summer of 2016. The research attempts to examine the perceptions of the participants in using Kahoot in two different periods of time, i.e. pre-test and post-test. This study was questionnaire-based, using the same questionnaire twice, one being held in pre-test and post-test. The questionnaire consisted of three parts: (1) demographic information, (2) questions in relation to operation, functions and physical features of Kahoot, personal satisfaction with the use of Kahoot, and (3) personal feedback. Collected data were stored and analyzed, and retrieved responses from the open-ended questions were thematically coded. Findings revealed students’ positive feedback toward Kahoot. The implication of this study shows that Kahoot, a game-based instant feedback device could be integrated in the EFL learning context to not only motivate learners in the language class but also lighten up the learning atmosphere.
Keywords: Kahoot, game-based learning, instant feedback system, tertiary-level
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