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論文名稱 文藻月桂方法:吳甦樂教育理念的建構與實踐
發表日期 2024-03-01
論文收錄分類 AHCI
所有作者 林耀堂
作者順序 第一作者
刊物名稱 哲學與文化
發表卷數 第五十一卷
發表期數 第三期
期刊或學報出版地國別/地區 NATTWN-中華民國
發表年份 2024
發表月份 3
發表形式 紙本

[摘要] :
文藻外語大學由天主教「聖吳甦樂會」(Order of Saint Ursula, OSU)創辦,該會創始人聖安琪梅芝(St. Angela Merici, 1474-1540)出身義大利農家,未受正規教育,但有堅強的基督信仰、深厚靈修生活與人世之磨鍊;她開現代女子教育之先河,遺作三篇:《會規、勸言、遺訓》,雖合計僅兩萬餘字,從中可見一位「教育家」之智慧。1966年「文藻女子外國語文專科學校」成立,招收200位學生,創校初期以培養國家與在地社會所需之外語經貿人才,畢業校友約四萬多人。文藻依據吳甦樂教育理念與聖安琪教育精神擬定之「教育使命宣言」,近期建構「文藻月桂方法」當成與行動取向之實踐。該方法傳承自吳甦樂教育者看待學習與生命的視角,出於服務之心、成於新生之果,是一系統化的實踐步驟,有條有序面對議題(任務)所需、以獲致成效。本文首先說明吳甦樂教育理念乃傳承天主教高等教育的發展而來,其次說明文藻月桂方法的倡議、內涵與運用步驟;接續探討其對於「受教者」與「教育者」互動關係的教育哲學基礎:以人為始、視他人為主體、自我實現與自我超越的靈性發展過程;最終檢視其初步推動以來的成效評估與建議,盼提供高等教育機構冀望落實其辦學特色理念時,得有一實例可供參酌。

[英文摘要] :
Wenzao Ursuline University of Languages was founded by the Catholic Order of Saint Ursula (osu) in 1966. Born in a peasant family, without any formal education, St. Angela Merici (1474-1540), the founder of the Company of Saint Ursula, was possessed of strong Christian faith, living a profound spiritual life and the tempering hardships of the world. As a result, in her later years she gathered social elites, nurturing aspiring girls who were committed to sanctifying themselves and their families as well as to transferring social atmosphere. This was then considered as her destiny for the rest of her life, which turned out to make St. Angela Merici the pioneer of modern women's education. Her three posthumous works are entitled “Rule”, “Counsels”, and “Legacy”, revealing wisdom of an “educator” despite the fact that the total word count is approximately 20,000. In 1966, “Wenzao Women's Foreign Language Junior College” was established with an enrollment of 200 students for the first year. In 1969, because of the establishment of the Nanzih Technology Industrial Park in Kaohsiung, Wenzao was recognized as a great resource cultivating foreign language economic and trade talents for the increasing demand of the market both in the country and the local society. Now, Wenzao Ursuline University of Languages has nearly 8,000 students and more than 40,000 alumni. Wenzao implements the ideas of Ursuline education and the educational spirit of St. Angela Merici on the basis of the school’s “Mission Statement”. The systematically constructed “Wenzao Laurel Method” has been considered a prominent and workable guideline for teachers and staff in instruction and administration. The bottom line of this method is the five life attitudes inherited from the perspectives of Ursuline educators on learning and life. It is a systematic practice step centered on the heart of service and the fruit of a new life, and it is also the need for the topic (task) to achieve results. The purposes of this paper are threefold. Firstly it introduces the development of Catholic higher education, then explains the initiative, meaning and steps of the Wenzao Laurel Method; then explores how the method looks at the point of view of educational philosophy for both “educator” and “student”: the process of spiritual development that begins with the human being’s experiences, treats the other as the “subject”, and is based on the process of self-realization and self-transcendence; and finally, review of the challenges, evaluation of the effectiveness and recommendations of the method since its initial implementation is intended to provide an example for institutions of higher education to consider when they wish to implement their philosophy of providing distinctive educational services.

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