



General education and Student Development


而目前關於Student Affairs的研究,也從過去的管理規訓轉向學生事務的輔導與服務,進而,我所了解的是開始以"學生發展"的思維為出發點,且這方面的文獻也不少,但抱歉,這兩年忙於行政工作,我沒有時間細讀。但從自己兩年...


delicious steak

Wellcome to Cleveland

From July 5th to 26th, Vice President Margaret陳美華 and my 5 collages(Anna孫素靜, Frank王長龍, Marcous王志堅, PeterII陳立言 and William劉獻文) went to our sister-school, Ursuline College in Cleveland, OHIO to learn English language and American culture. There were 5 hours of English language classes form Monday to Thursday in three weeks. After the English language classes, Ursuline College arranged different kinds of culture activities outside campus for us in order to experience and know more about American lives and culture. All these activities include home stay (even though we are in our forties), picnic, trip to Cleveland Museum of art and Rock and Roll Hall of Fame, tour of Lakeview Cemetery and Niagara Falls, Cleveland Indians baseball game. When we finished the English language classes, everyone was required to give a presentation in English; all of us really did a good job in the presentation. And I was so proud that I could present some background and information about Wenzao, and my impression about Cleveland city, especially all the people whom I have met. Another unexpected learning experience is that we had visited 4 higher education institutions, including Cleveland State University, Lakeland Community College, Edinboro University and Walsh University. All these four universities have their own advantages and strength. We also discussed with them about possible exchange for students project for exchange students. I would say this is a wonderful, worthy, successful, and unforgettable learning experience in my life.



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