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論文名稱 傢俱零售業網路經營決策影響因素之比較分析
發表日期 2020-09-16
論文收錄分類 其他
所有作者 曹淑琳、李宜霈、鄭詠亓、彭關婷、陳美滋
作者順序 第一作者
刊物名稱 全球商業經營管理學報
發表期數 12
期刊或學報出版地國別/地區 NATTWN-中華民國
發表年份 2020
發表月份 9
發表形式 紙本及電子期刊
附件 03-S001-V1.docx03-S001-V1.docx

[摘要] :
由於傢俱零售業的廠商對於網路經營的評估準則,不是只有單一層面、單一層級,而是處理多層面之間的問題,再加上服務品質及價格促銷是無形的、不易衡量的,會有較多個人主觀因素及模糊的概念,利用精確的數值可能無法表達傢俱零售業廠商對於網路經營評估準則的認知。因此本文利用模糊理論(Fuzzy Theory)與層級分析法(Analytic Hierarchy Process, AHP),結合成模糊層級分析法(FAHP),來反映傢俱零售業真實環境下決策分析所面臨的問題。本文訪談IKEA及特力屋,這兩家傢俱零售業的龍頭廠商相關主管,分析並且比較其網路經營決策的關鍵因素,以作為其他傢俱零售業的參考。

[英文摘要] :
The development of information technology and the Internet has brought the furniture retail industry into an increasingly competitive environment. Therefore, the furniture retail industry has invested in Internet marketing, and how to apply the Internet to the furniture retail industry actually plays a very important role.
Due to the evaluation criteria of network operations for the furniture retail industry, is not a single level, but multiple levels, plus service quality and price promotion are not easy to evaluate. Therefore, this paper combines Fuzzy Theory and Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) to form a Fuzzy Analytic Hierarchy Process (FAHP) to reflect the problems faced by the furniture retail industry. This paper interviewed the relevant leaders of IKEA and Test Rite Retail, to analyze and compare the key factors of their online business decisions, as a reference for other furniture retail industries.
The empirical results of this paper showed that the biggest key factor influencing IKEA and Test Rite Retail network management decisions is the "price cost". Secondly, for IKEA is "product information" and “Order Process”. For Test Rite Retail is “Customer Service” and “Security Guarantee”.

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