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論文名稱 影響衝動性消費與環保型消費意願因素探討-以快時尚為例
發表日期 2021-12-01
論文收錄分類 其他
所有作者 曹淑琳,賴思蓉、梁詠捷、賴姿杏、廖珮純
作者順序 第一作者
刊物名稱 國立屏東大學學報:管理類
發表期數 4
期刊或學報出版地國別/地區 NATTWN-中華民國
發表年份 2021
發表月份 12
發表形式 紙本及電子期刊
附件 快時尚論文(新).docx快時尚論文(新).docx

[摘要] :

[英文摘要] :
This paper discussed the difference analysis of the factors affecting "impulsive consumption" and "environmental consumption" on the willingness to consume fast fashion. According to the different aspects that affect "impulsive consumption" and "environmental consumption" will influence fast fashion consumption. And then analyze what factors of fast fashion is easy to attract consumers willingness to consume which were based on gender, age, education level and income. Finally this paper analyzed these factors which effected the " impulsive consumption ”and“ environmental consumption ”, what are the differences between them?
This paper empirically found that the aspects that affect fast fashion, whether it is "price side", "sales side", "product side", or "location side" will be affected by "impulsive consumption" and "environmental consumption". Secondly, "impulsive consumption" has a positive and significant relationship with "environmental consumption" and aspects that influence fast fashion consumption. Finally, this paper found that gender, age, and education level have significant differences in "price" in terms of the consumption aspect of fast fashion. There are significant differences in the “price” and “product / brand” aspects of different monthly incomes in terms of the consumption aspect of fast fashion consumption.

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