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論文名稱 化石燃料產業與再生能源產業的財務比較分析
研討會開始日期 2023-06-17
研討會結束日期 2023-06-17
所有作者 謝仁和,曹淑琳
作者順序 第二作者
研討會名稱 第十八屆國際綠色能源科技暨管理研討會
研討會舉行之國家 NATTWN-中華民國
研討會舉行之城市 彰化
發表年份 2023
附件 2023綠色研討會投稿 化石燃料產業與再生能源產業的財務比較分析.pdf2023綠色研討會投稿 化石燃料產業與再生能源產業的財務比較分析.pdf

[摘要] :

[英文摘要] :
The achievement of the United Nations' 2050 carbon neutrality and net-zero emissions goal relies to a considerable extent on the development of the renewable energy industry, with the expectation of replacing energy production from fossil fuels. However, fossil fuel industry companies continue to reach new record-high market cap. Due to capital-driven profit-seeking motives, the flow of funds represents the direction of industry development, raising the question of whether fossil fuel companies are more profitable or if renewable energy companies generate higher profits. This article compares the market cap of leading global fossil fuel and renewable energy companies and explores the performance differences between the two from a financial perspective. The findings of this study indicate that fossil fuel companies outperform renewable energy companies in terms of market cap, ROE, ROA, and EPS. Additionally, there is a significant relationship between the market cap and scale of both renewable energy and fossil fuel companies, suggesting the presence of economies of scale in both industries. However, the interaction between company type and market cap does not have a significant impact on the financial performance of renewable energy companies, while it does have a significant influence on fossil fuel companies. This indicates a relatively stronger competition among fossil fuel companies in a relatively stable and mature traditional energy market, resulting in better financial performance compared to renewable energy companies.

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