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論文名稱 新興市場廠商轉進的趨力:制度理論與跳板觀點
發表日期 2020-12-31
論文收錄分類 其他
所有作者 范嘉龍 、陳彥瑋、鄧皓澤、蘇昱睿、蔡振義
作者順序 第四(以上)作者
刊物名稱 青年企業管理評論
發表卷數 13
發表期數 2
期刊或學報出版地國別/地區 NATTWN-中華民國
發表年份 2020
發表月份 12
發表形式 紙本及電子期刊

[摘要] :

[英文摘要] :
The investment of Taiwanese enterprises in Southeast Asian countries has been developing vigorously in recent years. Since the China – United States Trade War occurred, investing in Southeast Asian countries has especially become a big issue for Taiwanese firms to consider their plants transferring in order to diversify risk. Vietnam is the place most Taiwanese firms choose among ASEAN countries. Prior researches about Taiwanese firms’ locations selection focused more on one-way transfer from Taiwan to China or from Taiwan to Southeast Asia. This study mainly focuses on location decisions of Taiwanese enterprises who have been transferring from China to Vietnam. Base on “institutional theory” and emerging market’s “springboard view”, this study tries to explore how “formal” and “informal” institutional factors, resulting in “push” and “pull”, have been influencing the decision of Taiwanese enterprises to relocate their factories from China to Vietnam. Using qualitative research and multiple cases study, the information was collected and analyzed from semi-structured interviews conducted in Taiwan, China and Vietnam with top managers from five Taiwanese firms whose plants were in China and lately commit themselves in Vietnam. Expert validity and triangle verification of secondary data enhance the reliability and validity of the study. Based on the results of the data analysis, we understand more practically the thinking direction of transnational investment, which will help us figure out the decision-making factors of the global location selections of Taiwanese enterprises in the globalization era. Finally based on the research results, the research conclusion and practical implications are discussed, and future research directions are proposed.

Key words: Taiwanese enterprises, Springboard perspective, Institutional theory, Emerging Market, EMNEs

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