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論文名稱 Impact of Crisis on State-Society Relations: The Case of a Democratizing Taiwan
發表日期 2016-07-30
論文收錄分類 其他
所有作者 Herlin Chien
作者順序 第一作者
刊物名稱 International NGO Journal
發表卷數 Vol. 11
發表期數 3
期刊或學報出版地國別/地區 NATKEN-肯亞共和國
發表年份 2016
發表月份 7
發表形式 電子期刊

[摘要] :
This study aims to explore the evolving relationship between the state and civil society from the perspective of crisis and its impact on governance type. Theoretically, the study adopts a dichotomous concept of crisis as either dissensus or consensus, and develops a typology of four governance modes that capture the dynamics of state-society relationships to facilitate empirical analysis: adversarial, managerial, network and collaborative governance. Empirically, Taiwan, a nascent democracy and developmental state, and, specifically, the Ministry of Labor are chosen as an instrumental case to demonstrate the historical impact of crises on governance style and the general quality of democracy.

[英文摘要] :
This study aims to explore the evolving relationship between the state and civil society from the perspective of crisis and its impact on governance type. Theoretically, the study adopts a dichotomous concept of crisis as either dissensus or consensus, and develops a typology of four governance modes that capture the dynamics of state-society relationships to facilitate empirical analysis: adversarial, managerial, network and collaborative governance. Empirically, Taiwan, a nascent democracy and developmental state, and, specifically, the Ministry of Labor are chosen as an instrumental case to demonstrate the historical impact of crises on governance style and the general quality of democracy.