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專書(含篇章)及其他著作名稱 Approaches and Implementation of Asian and European Official Development Assistance (ODA). Similarities, specificities and convergences.
專書出版日期 2016-08-10
專書類別 紙本
使用語文 外文
作者順序 第一作者
出版年 2016
出版月 7
出版地 Louvain la Neuve(Belgium)
出版者(社) Harmattan-Academia
ISBN編號 9782806102959
所屬計劃案 -

[摘要] :
Since the end of the World War II, Official Development Assistance (ODA) represents an essential component of the international involvement of governments and local collectivities toward development. This last decade, ODA had to adapt to the profound changes which have questioned its providers. Among these donors, European and Asian countries occupy an important place. Indeed, the European Union (EU) and its 28 Member States represent the world’s largest aid donor and, simultaneously, the total volume of development cooperation from Asian providers has progressively increased, confirming the strong interest of Asia to participate to the global aid governance.
In such context, three main questions deserve to have our attention: Can we observe similarities between Asian and European ODA notably in terms of motivations, policy, budget, governance, nature and implementation? To what extend Asian and European ODA are different and how to explain such specificities? Are there any possibilities of collaboration between Asian and European aid providers?
These are the main questions that this book will set out to answer.

[英文摘要] :
Since the end of the World War II, Official Development Assistance (ODA) represents an essential component of the international involvement of governments and local collectivities toward development. This last decade, ODA had to adapt to the profound changes which have questioned its providers. Among these donors, European and Asian countries occupy an important place. Indeed, the European Union (EU) and its 28 Member States represent the world’s largest aid donor and, simultaneously, the total volume of development cooperation from Asian providers has progressively increased, confirming the strong interest of Asia to participate to the global aid governance.
In such context, three main questions deserve to have our attention: Can we observe similarities between Asian and European ODA notably in terms of motivations, policy, budget, governance, nature and implementation? To what extend Asian and European ODA are different and how to explain such specificities? Are there any possibilities of collaboration between Asian and European aid providers?
These are the main questions that this book will set out to answer.