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論文名稱 我的微學分課程─「高雄文化探索」的課堂經營
發表日期 2019-06-01
論文收錄分類 其他
所有作者 謝忠志
作者順序 第一作者
刊物名稱 樹德通識教育專刊
發表期數 13期
期刊或學報出版地國別/地區 NATTWN-中華民國
發表年份 2019
發表月份 6
發表形式 紙本
附件 樹德-我的微學分課程.pdf樹德-我的微學分課程.pdf

[摘要] :


[英文摘要] :
Micro-Course is currently the new type of education pattern. It is meant for letting students learn independently and enjoy learning as well via various theme and intriguing content of lectures, activities, and workshops. It is how this course "The Exploration of Kaohsiung Culture" came up. The course, "The Exploration of Kaohsiung Culture" mainly focus on the surrounding of JinShi Lake in vast DingJing area. In this article, I will brush up the course design and the evaluation of the learning outcome; moreover, I will point out the dilemma in term of teaching and reflect upon the value and the significance of this course. To improve students' interdisciplinary learning, I am looking forward to collaborating with other courses from the Issue-Oriented Narrative Education Training Program. The analyzed data of questionnaires have certain reference value for the establishment of the following related course. With micro-course, general education is no longer an easy-pass course, but a course that can help students find the goal of learning and intrigue their inner interest.

Keyword: Micro-course, General Education, vast DingJing area, Kaohsiung culture, Issue-Oriented Narrative Education Training Program

[參考文獻] :
1. 黃翠芬,〈論章太炎治學的通識觀〉,《止善》第9期,2010 年12 月,頁103-120。
2. 蔡介裕,〈如何在通識課程中激發學生的學習動機〉,《把理念帶進教室:通識教師實務錦囊》(新北:麗文文化,2013),頁243-250。
3. 楊書濠,〈歷史課程與翻轉教學:以文藻外語大學「歷史文化與生活」課程為例〉,《通識學刊:理念與實務》,4卷1期,2016年,頁75-99轉101-103。
4. 陳淑慧、翟本瑞,〈通識微學分課程的創新彈性設計與未來挑戰〉,《課程與教學季刊》,20卷1期,2017年,頁25-44。