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論文名稱 Computational Models of Thought as Educational Tools for the Fostering of Moral Education
研討會開始日期 2018-04-26
研討會結束日期 2018-04-30
所有作者 Bruno GALMAR
作者順序 第一作者
研討會名稱 APNME 2018 Conference
研討會舉行之國家 NATTWN-中華民國
研討會舉行之城市 Kaohsiung
發表年份 2018
所屬計劃案 “無”

[摘要] :
In this highly computerized era, students are spending plenty of time with their smartphones and other internet-connected computational devices (e.g. smartwatches). Their current use of these technologies is mostly limited to playing games, socializing and watching or listening to multimedia content. Moral education research has to strongly address the question of how to harness all the possibilities offered by modern science and technology in order to design new educational tools that could encourage students to delve deeper into the meaning and possibilities of moral education. Here I propose the novel idea that a computational model for generating trains of thought, one based on the General Pattern Theory of the mathematician Ulf Grenander, could serve as an educational tool for modeling a simple but observable thinking mind in action. I will show simulations of such a mind, and explain basically how it works mathematically and on a software level. Then I will share the reflections of my students while discussing the issue of how such a computational mind may help, in an educational setting, to foster moral education.

[英文摘要] :
In this highly computerized era, students are spending plenty of time with their smartphones and other internet-connected computational devices (e.g. smartwatches). Their current use of these technologies is mostly limited to playing games, socializing and watching or listening to multimedia content. Moral education research has to strongly address the question of how to harness all the possibilities offered by modern science and technology in order to design new educational tools that could encourage students to delve deeper into the meaning and possibilities of moral education. Here I propose the novel idea that a computational model for generating trains of thought, one based on the General Pattern Theory of the mathematician Ulf Grenander, could serve as an educational tool for modeling a simple but observable thinking mind in action. I will show simulations of such a mind, and explain basically how it works mathematically and on a software level. Then I will share the reflections of my students while discussing the issue of how such a computational mind may help, in an educational setting, to foster moral education.