Bruno GALMAR, 2018, Computational Models of Thought as Educational Tools for the Fostering of Moral Education, APNME 2018 Conference, NATTWN-中華民國, Kaohsiung
許樂山, 2017, Superior Virtue in the Laozi and in the Writings of German Mystics Meister Eckhart and Johannes Tauler, 第二十屆國際中國哲學學會「中國哲學與多元文化世界」國際會議, NATSGP-新加坡共和國, 新加坡
Bruno Galmar, 2017, Superior Virtue in the Laozi and in the Writings of German Mystics Meister Eckhart and Johannes Tauler, The 20th International Conference on Chinese Philosophy 国际中国哲学学会第二十届国际会议, NATSGP-新加坡共和國, Singapore