
Jan.21st 2012

Dear Diary,

Just came back from Palau yesterday. It was awesome! Had so much fun :)) The place was beautiful. Also met a hot tour guide! Haha! His name is Xiao Yu. Total hottie....

Jan 3rd 2012

Dear Diary,

Had a French oral test today, we had to read a poem to the French teacher twice. Here it is: [Docteur, docteur. VIens vite, ma fleur se meurt. Elle etait jeune encor...

Jan 2nd 2012

Dear Diary,

Woke up and went to buy breakfast outside the dormitory. Slept for the 早自修 cause I was so tired. During Patrick's french class, we had to slip up into 4s f...

Jan 1st 2012

Dear Diary,

Happy New Year!! I stayed up at night watching the fireworks on TV with Mom & Sandy. Then later Ting called and told me that she was with friends at 高雄. Then a few ...