
Life is not perfect.

Life is not perfect.
You gotta believe in yourself,
step forward to make a wonderful life...without regret.

生活不是完美的。你一定要相信自己,步做出精彩的生活 …沒有遺憾。

羅賓.夏瑪 (領導力專家)

“I’ve learned that everything happens for a reason… Every event has a why and all adversity teaches us a lesson… Never regret your past. Accept it as the teacher that it is.”

– Robin Sharma, Leader...

湯巴斯.克斯頓 (社會改革者)

“With ordinary talent and extraordinary perseverance, all things are attainable.” – Thomas Fowell Buxton, Social Reformer 「平凡的智力加上非凡的堅持,所有事情皆可達成。」– 湯巴斯.克斯頓 (社會改革者)