

第一屆 _________________音樂節 合作合約
茲因__________(以下簡稱「甲方」)主辦__________________(以下簡稱「本活動」,活動名稱暫定),聘任____________            老師(以下簡稱「乙方」)擔任本活動活動演出及授課師資等事宜,經甲乙雙方商議訂立以下條款以資雙方信守:
一、合作期間及工作範圍:自西元201011    日至西元20120630日止,地點:台灣。
Cooperation Contract
 This Cooperation Contract( hereinafter referred to as The Contract) is made as of __日期___(the "Effective Date") by and between ,_______ with an address at 地址____________   and乙方____ with an address at __________________.
WHEREAS__________  (hereinafter referred to as Party A), chief organizer of___________  l( hereinafter referred to as The Festival, final name subject to change), hereby agrees to contract the services of ___乙方_________ (Hereinafter referred to as Party B), who shall fulfill the duties of attending, performing, lecturing at and promoting The Festival, and any such obligations prescribed hereunder.
NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual covenants and agreements set forth in this Contract, the Parties agree as follows:
1.       Duration and Scope of Work: THIS CONTRACT shall be effective on the ___ day of November, 2010 and shall terminate upon the 30th day of June , 2012. The location shall be in Taiwan, ROC.
Party A shall contract the services of Party B, with regards to the rendering of services including, but not limited to the following:
(1.) Party B shall accept and participate in interviews, press   conferences, media appearances, and any other promotional activities arranged by Party A hereunder.
(2.) Party B shall perform in the opening concert of up to 2 performances. (BUT Party A can, on consideration of ticket sales, choose to reduce to one performance.)
(3.)   Party B shall give lectures of up to two 3 days hereunder.
(4.)   Party B shall attend and participate in one musical conference and seminar hereunder.
(5.)   Party B shall perform the role of judging one violin competition hereunder.
(6.)   Party B shall perform in conjunction with the winner of said competition one concert.
(一)   乙方提供前條工作項目之日期與內容,甲方應於預定工作日前___日通知乙方,經乙方確認工作時間及內容後方得執行;如乙方就甲方所預定工作日於時間上無法配合,乙方僅得於甲方所通知工作日之前後__日之範圍變更工作日期。一經確認乙方應於準時出席工作。倘若場地、日期與演出方式有變動之必要,雙方應本於合作誠意協調並予配合變更。
(二)   方應提供宣傳照、作品、相關新聞等宣傳資料予甲方,供甲方作為本活動宣傳之用(包括但不限於印製宣傳海報、製作並刊登本活動廣告、或於宣傳場合公開播送乙方作品等),乙方並應確保甲方確得利用上開資料而無侵害第三人權益之虞。
(三)   乙方因本活動往返台灣所而交通、食宿,均由甲方安排及負擔;如乙方欲自行安排,則雙方同意就甲方負擔內容另行協商。
(四)   甲方應負責處理乙方履行本約工作項目於政府機關所需相關申請及報備,並應確保本活動安全及投保必要之保險。乙方並應配合提供護照等辦理前項申請及報備所需之證件(於簽立本約時乙方並一併交付護照影本予甲方)
2.     Method of Cooperation:
(1.)           Party B shall provide all available work schedules and contents of the preceding provision,  whereby Party A should notify  Party B in advance ___ days prior to the  work scheduled, whereby Party B shall confirm on the date and details of work before execution of  any such performance of Contract. In the event a conflict of schedule occurs, Party B shall perform such obligations ____ days before or after the original schedule notified by Party A. Once confirmed, Party B should attend and perform any such duties on schedule. In the event of any necessary alterations to the location, date, and performance, both Parties agree to, with good faith, hold further discussions and cooperate fully to such extent.
                    (2.) Party B shall provide Party A with publicity photos, personal works, previous media coverage and other relevant promotional information, which Party A shall put to use for the promotion of the said Festival.( Including but not limited to posters, production and publication of promotional advertisements,  and the public broadcasting of Party B’s works in promotional events and occasions.) Party B shall also verify Party A’s use of any such material will not violate the rights of any other third party.
l         (3.) Party A shall bear all costs and responsibilities for incidental expenses(小額的零用雜費), transportation(including flights to and from Taiwan), food and accommodation costs thus incurred during the period of The Festival hereunder. In the event that Party B should make arrangements of his own accord, both Parties agree to hold further discussions on the costs and expenses Party A shall bear.
(4.) Party A shall bear all responsibilities for all applications or dealings with the local governing body, any insurance matters required hereunder, and further shall ensure the security of the Festival and Party B. Party B shall in turn cooperate to the full extent on the above matters and provide passports and any other documents necessary for the effective application of the above matters (A photocopy of Party B’s passport is to be submitted to Party A on the signing of this Contract.).
()甲方就本活動應支付乙方總報酬金額為歐幣          整。
()甲方於合約簽訂時,預先給付乙方本活動報酬歐幣      整,其餘報酬於甲方代為扣繳乙方所應繳納台灣政府之稅金後,俟本活動結束、乙方離台當日匯款至乙方指定帳戶
3.       Remuneration:
(1.)           Party A shall disburse a total amount of __________ to the benefit of Party B for all services rendered during this Festival.
(2.)           Party A shall disburse a total amount of _______ in advance to the benefit of Party B at the signing of this Contract. On the date of Party B’s departure from Taiwan, and once applicable taxes are deducted, Party A shall transfer the outstanding payment to the designated account specified by Party B hereunder.
(7.)   Miscellaneous:
(1.)           Both Parties hereby agree that Party A shall produce multimedia files and images documenting the Festival in promotional purposes for future events, whereby images and footage of Party B will appear.  Party B shall grant Party A unconditional and perpetual license of said media for promotional purposes. In the event that Party A intends to publish the said work or multimedia
for profit, a separate agreement with the consent of both Parties  shall be reached first.
(2.)           Party B shall declare his/her full authority in signing this contract with Party A is of his/her own accord, whereupon Party B has the right to grant license such as is necessary for this Contract. In the event that a third Party makes a claim for the said rights, Party B shall be responsible for resolving the dispute, so as to not cause damages or losses for Party A.
(3.)           Both parties agree that strict confidentiality shall be observed with regards to the details and remunerations herein.
(4.)           To ensure the good name and reputation of both Parties, both Parties agree any form of libel or defamation of any Party shall constitute a breach of contract.
  址:                                          電話:
5. Breach of Contract:
(1.) In case there is any breach of provisions or failure to perform this Contract by either Party during the life of this Contract, unless otherwise provided, the other Party shall provide a notice requesting such Party to cure the breach within a deadline. If the breach is not cured or settlement is not reached within the said deadline after notification to the defaulting party, the non-defaulting Party shall have the right to terminate this Contract, and the all losses and damages incurred thereby shall be compensated by the defaulting Party, including but not limited to litigation costs, attorneys’ fees, third party settlement and goodwill impairment..
(2.) In case Party A does not compensate Party B for services rendered as accorded by Provision 3, Party A shall indemnify a late fee per day of delay one thousandth of the total amount receivable by Party B. 
(3.) In the event Party A determines to terminate the Contract and Festival hereof, a written notice should be provided to Party B before the _____ day of the _____ month of 2010, whereupon Party A shall forfeit all payments made in advance to Party B, and Party B shall cease all further claims and requests of Party A thereof. In the event Party B determines to terminate the Contract hereof, a written notice should be provided to Party B before the _____ day of the _____ month of 2010, whereupon Party B is to forfeit the total remuneration received and further pay double in indemnities for termination of the Contract.
(4.) Neither Party shall be in default hereunder by reason of failure or delay in the performance of any obligations under this Contract where such failure or delay arises out of any cause beyond the reasonable control and without the fault or negligence of such Party, provided proof of such cause should be provided by the defaulting Party.
6.      Any matters not mentioned herein shall be negotiated and resolved under a principle of good faith.
Both Parties hereby agree that this Contract shall be construed in accordance with the laws of Taiwan, and the Taipei District Court shall have exclusive jurisdiction for the first instance over any lawsuit or legal proceedings in connection with this Contract.
7.       This Contract is executed in two originals, with each party holding one  
By signing below both Parties agree to the all clauses and provisions in the above agreement and agree to be legally bound by the terms and conditions contained in this document:
Party A:                                                                 Party B:
Legal Representative:                                            Legal Representative:
Address:                                                                Address:
Telephone:                                                            Telephone:
        Unified Business Number:                                         Passport No.:

新增時間 : 2010-12-21 14:01:24 / 修改時間 : 2010-12-21 14:05:48