
Home work 1


Despite I have never peeled any onion, but I know what it is.

How do I know a person better and better ? it's depend on some paison and skill, first, you have to recon and backgound you got(ex:internet)

Second is talking, especially face to face, via one's eyes can read one's mind.

English made me more friendly, and earn me more chances to learn, based on it's a general language.

Why friendly? because I can reduce the misunderstanding.
Why more chances? because I can read more data from forein country.

I think it's critical, base on some historical reason and prove, outer cultural always effect native one, include langugae, and it's can reverse also.

No, the tolerant doesn't come with English, it's depend on the conscious and trained by myself.

Yes, it changed me a lot, the main reason is how the grama works, it has great power to change my logical, and my logical is the base of my behavior.

新增時間 : 2010-10-05 23:47:05