

Jamie: Oh. Look at this. That’s us over there, on the seesaw, isn’t it?
Fantine: Let me see. Oh yeah. Wow. You were prettier then.
Jamie: Come on. Stop joking on me.
Fantine: Just kidding. Don’t take it so serious.
Jamie: Fine.
Fantine: Oh. Is that Joseph on that picture?
Jamie: Absolutely. Or who else can make such a funny face.
Fantine: Yeah. I remembered that he could always make us laugh so hard that we had our tears out.
Jamie: Yeah. And do you remember his friend, David ?
Fantine: I’m not pretty sure which David you’re talking about.
Jamie: What!? You don’t know him!? David Collins! All of the girls were crazy about him. I can almost say that 9 of 10 girls had a crush on him.
Fantine: Oh. That David. I thought you were talking about the one who always had his little teddy bear with him.
Jamie: Don’t be silly.
Fantine: Hmm…About David Collins, I think I have a picture of him….Let me see…It’s over here.
Jamie: That’s him. He is really handsome.
Fantine: Yeah. My type.
Jamie: Mine, too.
Fantine: Ah…We had such a wonderful time, didn’t we?
Jamie: Yeah.
Fantine: No essays. No assignments. All we care about is…
Jamie: Having fun. Yeah. I hope there is a time machine that could take me back to the elemantary days.
Fantine: Me, too. We used to do so much crazy things together.
Jamie: Yeah. Is the tree house we always went after school still there?
Fantine: No. It was torn down 3 years ago. Don’t you know that?
Jamie: No. I wish I were there.
Fantine: Well. Things changed a lot. And we have to grow up.
Jamie:I know what you mean...but…
Fantine: I think you’re better now. You used to be like boys more, but you look just like a girl.
Jamie: Haha. You’re right. Oh, what time is it ?
Jamie: Oh, I have to go now. Thanks for inviting me, really.
Fantine: See you.

新增時間 : 2012-12-23 23:02:59