
My Precious Thing

I want to tell you about one of my precious things I have. Maybe you can’t guess what it is. And maybe you’ll be surprised because it’s not expensive. It’s just a mug. A mug that we usually use to drink. But, for me, it’s not an usual mug. It’s special. And why is that ? I got this mug 2 days before the day I went to Taiwan. It was given by my 9 best friends at Jakarta. This mug represents our great friendship. This glass is unique and special because there are photos of me and 9 best friends of mine. I don’t use this mug for drinking because I’m afraid it would fall and be broken. And there’s one more thing that makes this mug special. This mug helps me when I’m felling homesick. I bet you know how it feels when you’re homesick because many of us are far from home. That’s why I like seeing this glass when I miss home and my friends. It really helps. Well, that’s all.

Posted On : 2013-03-31 21:24:59