
English Reading and Writing--Outside Reading

1. Where did you find this book?
At my home __________________________________________________
2. Title: Write the title of the book
The lion,the witch,and the warrdrobe______________________________________
3. Topic: What is this about?
An adventure of Naria.______________________________________________
4 Summary: Summarize the book in a few sentences
Peter,Susan,Edmund and Lucy are four children who were sending to a professor’s house during the second World War.They found there was a magical wardrode which can bring them to Narnia.There was a horror whitch,she made Narnia always winter. They fought a war with the witch , and they fought side by side with a lion who had no sin and had bronght back his life.At the end ,they won.And the children became kings and queens in Narnia.
5 Interesting Details: Write one interesting detail you learned.
But if the Professor was right,it was only the beginning of the adventure of the wardrobe.
6 New Words: Write any new words you learned.
_______wardrobe___________ _________ spiteful __________

_______ astonishment __________ _______cruel____________

新增時間 : 2017-12-25 22:58:02