
Outside reading

1106300024 Sally Chen 陳柏妡

1. Where did you find this book?
From my sister’s bookshelf.

2. Title: Write the title of the book.
The Merchant of Venice.

3. Topic: What is this about?
About two moneylenders.

4 Summary: Summarize the book in a few sentences
There are two moneylenders in Venice. Their name are Shylock and Antonio. Shylock is greedy, but Antonio is generous. They hate each other. Antonio has a best friend call Bassanio. One day, Bassanio need three thousand ducats to buy a gift for Portia, he asks Antonio for help. Antonio doesn’t have enough to give Bassanio, so they decide to borrow some money from Shylock. And they have a deal, if Antonio doesn’t pay the money back on time, Shylock can take a pound of flesh from Antonio. Antonio doesn’t pay the money back on time. According to their deal, Shylock can take a pound of flesh from Antonio. Then, Antonio will die. But, Portia help Antonio. In the end, Shylock has fail to get revenge on Antonio.

5 Interesting Details: Write one interesting detail you learned.
We should be generous and help other people. Then, someone will help you if you need help.

6 New Words: Write any new words you learned.
merchant ducat
flesh revenge

新增時間 : 2017-12-25 10:42:28