
2009-03-18 16:16:09

Donivan's Insight

Reflection....and Hope... 反省...及...希望... First of all, I want to dedicate a poem to everyone I know, and those yet to know
首先,我要送一個詩給所有人: (奇美博物館Chi-Mei Museum,2007,蕭煥諺) Hope is the thing...
Hope is the thing with feathers 希望就是那個有翅膀的東西
That perches in the soul,
And sings the tune without the words,
And never stops at all,
I've heard it in the chillest land,
And on the strangest sea;
Yet, never,
in extremity,
在最極端的情況下 It asked a crumb of me. 有跟我要過任何東西。(麵包屑) - Emily Dickerson One term at college has gone by at the blink of an eye, so many things has happened that my mind seems to be operating at full capacity to try and organize my life. Everyday there are so many things to do, see, smell, hear, feel, and of course, eat! I have been so busy that I haven't had the time to touch my blog for quite some time, and I'm sincerely sorry to anyone who reads my blog for that. 大學的第一學期一轉眼間就過了。太事情發生了,讓我的腦每天好像都滿載的在整理我的生活。 每一天都有好多東西要做,看,聞,聽,感覺,而當然...吃。 One only cherishes what one has when one reflects, and now as I sit in front of my computer,I have been doing just that, and looking back at these past few months, I have come to realize how lucky I am. Lucky to have a loving family that supports everything I do, lucky to have great friends and classmates that make my life so enjoyable, lucky to have good, well-behaving students that have shown me how much effort they have put into my classes, lucky to have caring teachers that teach us not only about books, but also about life. 我們只有反省((思)才會珍惜,而我現在就正坐在我電腦前面反省。 往回看這幾個月,才發現自己好幸運。 幸運因為有個支持我的家庭,幸運因為有很多很棒的朋友,讓我身活這麼美滿, 幸運因為有一群乖乖的學生,讓我看到他們上我的課的認真,而幸運有關心我們的老師, 步指教我們書,而教我們人生。 We often ignore what we have gained, whilst bemoaning all we've lost. Yeah I've lost a friend or two, quite some money, my dear rabbit, Cici, and believe it or not, my saftey helmet. God bless thee who has stolen my helmet, may it help you when you get hit by a car. Oops~ 我們時常忽略所得到的,而一直抱怨所失去的。對,我失去了一兩個朋友,一些錢,清愛的 兔子..CiCi,而我的安全帽。上天保佑偷我安全帽的人,希望你被車撞時他能幫助你(妳).... 2008 will be a new start for me(really~ this time), I Will try very hard to find that other one, Help me succeed, haha! I WILL improve my Chinese, and I will try to be a better person every day that I live. 2008將是我人生的新開始(這次真的),我也會努力的去找我的另一半,祝我成功吧!哈哈.. 我會進步我的中文的,而每天都要成為更好的人。 想留言? 請在這 點一下就可以 進行留言 By Donivan Hsiao 蕭煥諺

