Shadow of XX
"And the shadow of the day.
Will embrace the world in grey.
And the sun will set for you." ---By Linkin Park
Through the inumerable nightmeres.
Something, somehow, haunting me somewhat.
Sometimes, a slight mistake make me feel unforgivable.
It might be a subtle change.
How come we are in the shadow of XX?
We always seek for a real redemption to ourselves. We ask God, ask prophet, ask fortune teller.
How to get through the shadow of XX?
Maybe some say
'Hey! Be possitive.'
Oh again, Be possitive can help you nothing.... Oh why?
Becuz'.... You still a possitive man in the Shadow, and solve no problem.
First thing to do , admit the guilts you've done in the pass.
Face it, and try..
To communicate to whom, knowing you truely and deeply, that one is ...your own..
And let go ,
sometimes goodbye is the only way.
Change, friend! Change!
To become a teacher to guide yourself to...
The place, where there is just you alone, but full of silence, peace, and joy.
Will embrace the world in grey.
And the sun will set for you." ---By Linkin Park
Through the inumerable nightmeres.
Something, somehow, haunting me somewhat.
Sometimes, a slight mistake make me feel unforgivable.
It might be a subtle change.
How come we are in the shadow of XX?
We always seek for a real redemption to ourselves. We ask God, ask prophet, ask fortune teller.
How to get through the shadow of XX?
Maybe some say
'Hey! Be possitive.'
Oh again, Be possitive can help you nothing.... Oh why?
Becuz'.... You still a possitive man in the Shadow, and solve no problem.
First thing to do , admit the guilts you've done in the pass.
Face it, and try..
To communicate to whom, knowing you truely and deeply, that one is ...your own..
And let go ,
sometimes goodbye is the only way.
Change, friend! Change!
To become a teacher to guide yourself to...
The place, where there is just you alone, but full of silence, peace, and joy.
