
2011-11-30 23:21:35


In this activity, I have to dance Indonesian dance "Saman". I practiced really hard for this dance because we had to dance with 10 person and this dance is about how to cooperate with other dancers. We had to make a same movement in the same time and speed. But I guess all of our hard work was paid because the audience were really happy and little bit shocked with our performance. Maybe because they haven't looked our Saman dance before. I learn a lot from this activity. I learn to stand up for my country and I am pround with my country eventough as we know there are a lot of political issues in Indonesia. But in that day, it taught me to proud with Indonesia not just because Indonesia is my country but because I am proud as my self as Indonesian. For me this activity is a good way to show student's talents and hobbies. A lot of people out of there saw our performance too so people know what Wenzao's student do to become better person.

