
2011-10-09 19:52:39


1099212051 Gabriela Gondokusumo

1. School’s Name
2. Religious Background
3. Relations with Sister Schools
4. Motto
5. Students’ Activities
6. Wenzao as International School
7. Educational Goals
8. Location

關聯項目與分析主題S 的關係請說明之
1.School’s Name
Wenzao Ursuline College of Languages was originated from a priest, who was Wenzao Luo. And Ursuline originated from the Ursuline sisters who founded this school.
2.Religious Background
Wenzao is an Ursuline school. It was founded by the Ursuline Sisters, which was built by Saint Angela Merici and Saint Ursula as its patron saint.
3.Relations with Sister Schools
Wenzao has a lot of sister schools all over the world. Most of them are Ursuline schools. With this, exchange students or teachers are allowed.
Wenzao’s motto is 3L, which is Life, Language, and Leadership.
5.Students’ Activities
Students’ activities in Wenzao includes volunteering, clubs, organizations, cross cultural communication, etc.
6.Wenzao as International School
Wenzao welcomes international students, and most of them are often found in the campus, trading cultures with Taiwanese students.
7.Educational Goals
Wenzao’s goal is to develop a person with holistic education, and also foster ability to serve the community.
8.Location and Place
Wenzao is located in Kaohsiung. It supports green action, and the whole campus is covered with trees and grass.
