
2012-01-02 00:01:12

The Social Atom

繳交日期:2012 年 1月 1日
The Social Atom: Why the Rich Get Richer, Cheaters Get Caught, and Your Neighbor Usually Looks Like You
Mark Buchanan
Bloomsbury USA
Gabriela Gondokusumo
For me, the most important one is the cooperation is the best policy idea. In this book, Buchanan wrote about people goods game and I personally think that it is really true. People can cooperate honestly, but looking at peoples personalities, which tend to be more selfish, they can cheat and make more than honest people. The most concrete example is student life, which is full of teamwork with people, and we actually do not know who really wants to work together. But still, we still need to do it right because it might affect our grades and we might be dropped out.
1. The Imitating Atom is the idea that humans often copy the behaviours of others around them is presented. There are many counter intuitive social phenomenon that is explained with reference to imitation in individuals. The simplest example is our social circles. People need to imitate in order to have their seat in society.
2. The Cooperative Atom is when the human phenomenon of cooperation, self-sacrifice and altruism are better. Cooperation and competition are related through the idea of a group competition approach. The example is also in our social life, as students with a lot of assignments that need cooperative people.
3. "Our Thinking Instincts" is about a commitment to empirical fact and plausible simplicity. It is about rationality. I would like to quote a line from page 50. "Call it what you will - a house of cards, emperor with no clothes, whatever - rational economics couldn't possibly have stood up for much longer, and it hasn't." Most important example: some things have become so common that people think that they are rational. Sometimes we need to think out of the box and think of the reasons.
4. "Together, apart" talks about the implications of the powerful forces that competition between social groups can make. The main idea is that given, even group markers or labels (such as race, accent, nationality or religion) adaptation, imitation and group cooperation can lead to highly negative interactions between groups. Again, the perfect example is our social circles, having negative interactions and competition.
5. "Conspiracies and Numbers" talks about both wealth distribution and other phenomena are discussed with references to the power-law distributions. For example, repeated successful investments, even from luck, multiply wealth.
From reading the book, I think that it is the imitating atom that Buchanan wrote. It took penguins as an example. How penguins avoid the attack from the killer whale? They "play a waiting game akin to killer-whale roulette," says Mark Buchanan. By a form of social cooperation or learning, groups of penguins keep a careful watch on each other, taking note when another penguin ventures into the infested water to see how it fares. At first, only the hungriest penguin ventures in, until the coast is proven clear or to be avoided at all costs.Yet at times no penguin gets that desperate, and so all hang back, waiting. In such cases, it has been known for some penguins to toss a sacrificial one into the drink "with a not-so-gentle nudge." The general social category here is "imitation" or doing what others in the group have done safely or not doing what hasn't worked. If they were people, they would be scared to do anything that someone has not tried to do before. People would be afraid to take risks because the rationalism that is planted on their brain earlier before, and it was done by the society and the standard of education, which made their own standard and in their own way, affect people.
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