
2011-11-19 14:08:44

English Summer Camp in Wenzao

English Summer Camp in Wenzao

English Summer Camp is an activity to encourage the freshman to speak in English. This activity is very important for me because my purpose to learn in Wenzao is to speak English well besides Chinese language. The activity is about one week, and in this part we learn how to make a friend from the other department and also we learn about how to make good at teamwork. At the first time, I feel very nervous because this is my first time to study abroad and most of them are Taiwan’s people. I was afraid because I cannot speak Chinese well. But when I know about the rule of English Summer Camp that require all students to speak English is very meaningful for me. It helps me a lot because all of the people can talk with me. Actually, at the first time, I was shy because they just speak in Chinese and afraid to talk with me, but from the second day until the end of the day we can speak each other with English.
From this activity I could make many friends and we also learned about English too! It is very interesting to me, because I’m major in English so I could learn first before I get the lesson from the English department class. And we also learned how to make a drama and sing a song with English too. The most impressed thing was the Camp Assistant’s are really enthusiastic and it makes me eager to undergo the activities. They could lead the team well, and they could encourage every team to make a good impression, the activity was very fantastic. The Camp Assistant’s are really capable to make every person in his/her team to give the best.
My feedback about English Summer Camp in Wenzao is I am very happy and appreciate for the hard work to make this activity success. I could get many friends, and can improve English too we also can help each other to make a good team. For example when we have to get challenge with another team, we tried to make our team to win, even some of the activities we were lost, but we learned about how to be a better team. Some of the activities, such as quiz were encourage me to answer the question even we know that our English is still not good, but this Camp change me a lot about the perspective of English Language. The preparation of English Summer Camp is very magnificent, the costume, the dance, and also the drama were really beautiful. The people, Camp Assistants the Angel Team, also the other team are really good at their jobs. I really appreciate to be one of the Wenzao’s student/ Wenzaorian, this English Summer Camp are really useful for me as the first step to study and adaptation in here.
I hope every freshman also can get the benefit from this activities, and they can also brave to speak in English with the others.

