
2013-07-17 00:06:54

My life in 2175

Now, it is 2175 years. I am an immortal woman when you see me and you will be amazing because my appearance is still young as one hundred years ago. The reason why I am immortal is because the scientists had invented a medicine like a magic potion which you inject your body that can make you keep young appearance and immortal.

The global warming resulted in the sea level kept increasing in half hundred years ago. Now, in 2175 years, the world is divided two parts. One is the sky. Another is the sea. Most of human being lives in the world undersea. The medicine which you inject has another special function that is you can live undersea freely. That means people can breathe undersea like marine animals. In our world, we do not need to work busily like those who live in hundred years ago because people live together like a big family. We are a corporative society and everything is our world is free such as food, clothes and house. Furthermore, we do not have the system of marriage because we are immortal human and will change spouses often. Our main vehicle is floatplane which can change to be a plane or a submarine and human can travel or go everywhere they want to go. We are a freely bird and go anywhere easily by drive floatplane.

I have traveled lots of places and the most special experience is to go to North Pole to view the Aurora and live with Eskimo. The beautiful Auroras wink in the sky. The reason why I say North Pole is the most best one is because the North Pole is the only one place which float on the sea. It is the only place that we can see the animals such as white bears, seals and penguins and human, Eskimo. Both of them remain the same way of living. Still, there is a good thing for children. That is they do not need to go to school to accept traditional education which is Cram method of teaching was carried out in long years ago. Children just need to learn whatever they want to learn by their own

To compare with both different lives, I think I am content with life now because I do not work and accept tradition education. Still, I have lots of time to do whatever I want to do such as traveling. However, there is one problem that making me worried. Due to immortal life, it results the overpopulation and we will have to immigrate to another planet one day. The solution is still not sure.
