
2013-03-31 21:35:10

About Me

Hello everyone.

First, let me introduce myself.

My name is Marcelinus Putra Wijaya.

I'm from Indonesia and ofcource I was born in Indonesia on 21st November 1994.

My hometown is Jakarta. Jakarta is the capital city of Indonesia.

I also have Chinese name. My Chinese name is 鍾福明.

I'm 18 years old.

My purpose came here not only to study how to be a good translator and interpreting but also learn chinese well.

In Indonesia, I have one elder sister and also one little brother.

My little brother still study at Elementary School because he was only 10 years old.

Now, my elder sister live in Ningbo, China. She majoring in Business Department.

In Indonesia, I not only live with my parents and my brother and sister, but also with my grandmother and one uncle from my father.

I really enjoy my life.

Now, I want to tell you about my expectation while in Taiwan.

I hope while I'm in Taiwan are, I can speak chinese well ofcourse so I can comunicate with everyone in Taiwan with chinese language.

Second, I also hope that I can get a good score while I study at Wenzao Ursuline College of Languages and can graduate with the best score that I have.

Beside that I also think about friendship. I can get alot of friend here. Maybe that's all about me that I want to tell you.

Good bye. See you next time.

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