
2014-03-26 17:13:05

My Inspiration in the Summer Camp

This summer, I decided to join a camp to make my life more colorful. This camp is to help children learn the manners or some knowledge about Buddhism happily. I went to be a volunteer to accompany the children and enhance myself. During the summer camp, I also learned two important lessons: being more patient and being brave.
The first lesson I learn in the camp is to be patient to everyone. Before the camp for children started, all the volunteers had needed to be trained for three days. Most of the volunteers I met surprised me that being patient was significant and admiring. They were polite, and they always wore a smile on their face, which really made me appreciate them. They kindly taught me something I did not know until I understood. Therefore, I felt warm and pleased in the camp. Besides the nice volunteers, there were a few Buddhist masters who were gentle and respected. The masters trained us to improve our ideas and personalities. They not only told us the stories but also showed us interesting videos about life significance of treasuring every relationship and being nice to each person. Then, when a master made a speech, I was touched by his words because what he said totally changed my thought. The master told about the painstaking of our parents to raise us as well as how happy and comfortable we live. I had previously been an irritable person who yelled at my parents or angry at my friends as I was in a bad mood. At the moment of the speech, I began to feel regretful and repent. Since then, I have made up my mind to be more patient and never lost my temper anytime. The training of the summer camp absolutely altered me for a better and patient person.
Becoming courageous is the other thing I learn from the summer camp. I used to be shy, timid, and scared of the crowd. Every time I went on the stage, my hands and legs could not help but keep trembling. In the camp, we had to choose a host in the first program for the children. No one offered to be the host. All of a sudden, I volunteered to be a hostess and desired to challenge it. A lot of people encouraged me with applause. After that, I took my courage to get the microphone and went on the stage. At first, I was so nervous and afraid that I wanted to hide. My hands were shaking. Speaking in front of three hundred people was quite scaring. After introducing the master, I rushed off the stage and took a deep breath. However, I kept telling myself not to be shocked, and regarded every audience as my family as well as my friends. When I stood on the stage again, it was amazing that I was relaxed instead of being nervous. Later, I could speak easily and fluently in front of so many people. Speaking in public is not a big problem for me anymore. This experience made me become brave and aroused my courage to challenge things I am scared in my life.
Thanks to the summer camp, I learned two lessons that will influence me forever; one is to be more patient, and the other is to be courageous. Both being patient and being courageous are extremely useful for me, and help me be different from the one that I was before. I believe that I will never forget the experience and the inspirations of this summer camp which changed my personalities throughout my whole life.
