What’s next in 3D printing
來源: http://www.ted.com/talks/avi_reichental_what_s_next_in_3d_printing
Just like his beloved grandfather, Avi Reichental is a maker of things. The difference is, now he can use 3D printers to make almost anything, out of almost any material. Reichental tours us through the possibilities of 3D printing, for everything from printed candy to highly custom sneakers.
如同他敬愛的祖父,艾維‧瑞肯托也喜歡「動手做」。不同的是,現在的他幾乎可以藉由 3D 印表機,用任何素材、做出任何產品。艾維‧瑞肯托將為我們介紹 3D 列印,從糖果到高度客製化慢跑鞋的無限可能。
Just like his beloved grandfather, Avi Reichental is a maker of things. The difference is, now he can use 3D printers to make almost anything, out of almost any material. Reichental tours us through the possibilities of 3D printing, for everything from printed candy to highly custom sneakers.
如同他敬愛的祖父,艾維‧瑞肯托也喜歡「動手做」。不同的是,現在的他幾乎可以藉由 3D 印表機,用任何素材、做出任何產品。艾維‧瑞肯托將為我們介紹 3D 列印,從糖果到高度客製化慢跑鞋的無限可能。
