pray for the world
"Peace for Paris and the world
#rp hopefully the world. I’m so confused. I’m so so so confused. I don’t understand how not everyone can see the worth of a human life. I don’t understand the need for violence, the lack of empathy, the senselessness; it’s happening in our own country, it’s happening in other countries, it’s happening everywhere and it is absolutely no one’s RIGHT. It is NO ONE’s right to decide another cannot live. Not a single one of us has the right overpower and oppress for war, greed, money, power..selfishness. What the hell is all that going to do? It’s disastrous when we put worth into those things. Every single time we do and have done it in the course of history since the beginning of time. It is disastrous, painful..we commemorate war in history classrooms as tragic mistakes..and we keep resorting to these things. When we glorify and act on those things and when we numb ourselves to the world around us with distractions, we loose sense of the reality of what it means to end a life. To, for a moment, believe that you have the right to take the breathe you do not breathe and that you did not give. We cannot end lives. We cannot take away a sister, brother, friend, child, parent, grandparent, neighbor, person walking down the street, human being. Not from anyone or the world. We cannot displace them with violence and harm them. For what reason?! Degrade them? For what reason? When are we all going to see reason? When are we not going to have to be babied into knowing what is right and wrong and stop apologizing only after the damage is done. No matter what or who you believe in, you have to at least know that all us our alive because our hearts beating in our chests. And we all process the world around us in a way that we’ve been blessed with. That we all feel loss and love in ways that build and destroy us. And that we are all human, all the same. We need to wake up. We need to wake up to each other. Now."
#rp hopefully the world. I’m so confused. I’m so so so confused. I don’t understand how not everyone can see the worth of a human life. I don’t understand the need for violence, the lack of empathy, the senselessness; it’s happening in our own country, it’s happening in other countries, it’s happening everywhere and it is absolutely no one’s RIGHT. It is NO ONE’s right to decide another cannot live. Not a single one of us has the right overpower and oppress for war, greed, money, power..selfishness. What the hell is all that going to do? It’s disastrous when we put worth into those things. Every single time we do and have done it in the course of history since the beginning of time. It is disastrous, painful..we commemorate war in history classrooms as tragic mistakes..and we keep resorting to these things. When we glorify and act on those things and when we numb ourselves to the world around us with distractions, we loose sense of the reality of what it means to end a life. To, for a moment, believe that you have the right to take the breathe you do not breathe and that you did not give. We cannot end lives. We cannot take away a sister, brother, friend, child, parent, grandparent, neighbor, person walking down the street, human being. Not from anyone or the world. We cannot displace them with violence and harm them. For what reason?! Degrade them? For what reason? When are we all going to see reason? When are we not going to have to be babied into knowing what is right and wrong and stop apologizing only after the damage is done. No matter what or who you believe in, you have to at least know that all us our alive because our hearts beating in our chests. And we all process the world around us in a way that we’ve been blessed with. That we all feel loss and love in ways that build and destroy us. And that we are all human, all the same. We need to wake up. We need to wake up to each other. Now."