

2019-06-01 10:57:26


–黃國良、陳志忠 國立高雄第一科技大學 金融營運系副教授、金融與產業基金會副研究員
近年來非營利組織如雨後春筍般之快速成長,且越來越多的地方政府與社會服務甚仰賴非營利組織提供。但目前類似機構之管理,正面臨著如下瓶頸:財源不足有導致發展危機之慮,如何維持贊助人持久性支持,及如何規劃行銷募款策略等。有鑑於此,本研究應用消費者行為理論、SJT理論及AHP法,針對高雄會發展文教基金會進行個案研討,並收集相關之募款資料,建構SJT及APH模式研究設計之基本資料,以探討非營利組織贊助者之認知與行為傾向。研究結果,在十三項非營利組織贊助因素之相對權重之平均數衡量方面,SJT法之問卷結果與AHP法之問卷結果,經應用百分比同時信賴區間考驗後之十三項檢定中,均未達顯著差異,研究假設均未成立。經過此二研究方法之對照驗證後,無法證明其有統計上顯著差異,可推論為:SJT與AHP兩種研究方法在相關單位募款管理實務上之建議。 關鍵詞:社會判斷理論 分析層級程序法 非營利組織 募款行銷策略
Recently the non-profit organizations grow rapidly, with a growing number of the local development relying on them. Yet, there are difficulties in the management of this kind of institution—the crisis of the insufficient finance, the maintenance of the durable support of the sponsors, and the improvement of the fund-raising strategy. In view of this condition, the research applies the Consumer Behavior theory, Social Judgement Theory (STT) and Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) to make a empirical study on Kaohsiung Metropolitan Development Foundation. In the meantime, the research collects from field study and Literature review to construct the basic data of designing STT&AHP questionnaire and them to probe the cognition and intention of the sponsors of the non-profit organizations.
As to the means of relative weights of the thirteen factors for acting as a sponsor of the non-profit organizations, the difference between the result of questionnaire of SJT and that of AHP is not statically significant the test of simultaneous interval. The hypotheses are not proved. After the contrast examination of the two methods, it cannot be proved that there is significant difference and thus the corollary is that the sponsors of SJT method and of AHP method have the same means of cognitive weights. Basing on the inference, the research also proposes the future research and suggestions for the practical application of the non-profit organizations in Taiwan.
Key words:non-profit organizations, fund-raising strategy, field study, Social Judgement Theory, Analytic Hierarchy Process.
壹. 緒論
貳. 文獻回顧
參. 研究設計
肆. 研究假設
伍. 結果分析
陸. 結論與建議

