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[Debby] : 《無米樂》20 年之後 [2024-07-04 10:46:05]
[Debby] : no video recording while you'r doing what? [2024-06-22 18:11:11]
[Debby] : 你知、我知、他知 只有天不知地不知 [2024-06-08 19:12:34]
[Debby] : Custormer's Jerky Jerk [2024-05-27 12:11:49]
[Debby] : 市場定位-極簡法則之紫牛理論 [2024-05-22 15:05:14]
[Debby] : 當憤怒>恐懼 就存一招管用了 [2024-05-05 22:03:07]
[Debby] : 「騎一台哈雷 我看看」 [2024-01-29 09:16:31]
[Debby] : Excuse me, what the fukc did you say? [2023-12-31 12:27:03]
[Debby] : 【】《》〔〕「」『』 [2023-12-30 12:43:26]
[Debby] : 沒那個屁股 跟人家做那個馬桶 [2023-11-13 12:31:33]
[Debby] : don't forget to label yourself in case you don't recall who you are [2023-11-07 12:57:23]
[Debby] : till when the time is right, let's watch them all at the same time. [2023-10-29 19:12:56]
[Debby] : Top this one up! [2023-10-26 08:29:32]
[Debby] : 阿嬤沒在怕的 [2023-10-15 18:53:20]
[Debby] : I wonder how Wes Anderson would delineate Taiwan in his cinematographical 🎨 [2023-10-07 17:33:08]