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部落格文章分類 -> 心情日誌
[Debby] : Trapped Body 大頭症 [2024-06-19 11:01:36]
[Debby] : 阿嬤打人痛嗎? 不會痛~ [2024-06-18 11:52:59]
[Debby] : amotto [2024-02-06 18:47:30]
[Debby] : didn't get half of the questions [2023-11-05 09:42:09]
[Debby] : i am sure Estein wouldn't have come to bother me [2023-07-26 18:20:35]
[Debby] : dont wake her up otherwise she's going to get pissed [2023-07-26 18:20:35]
[Debby] : AI來就行了 [2023-07-18 12:18:09]
[Debby] : 一閃一閃亮晶晶 [2023-07-18 12:16:54]
[Debby] : 壞掉的螺絲是火箭還是飛機? [2023-07-05 15:58:28]
[Debby] : 該死的關節炎 [2023-06-30 17:25:35]
[Debby] : That Man [2023-06-24 22:49:48]
[Debby] : 沒見過的小鳥飛到你家陽台,是要拿什麼給牠回去餵小孩才不會嗆死小小鳥 [2023-06-24 10:18:03]
[Debby] : If I see you wear that Polaroid shirt ever again, you know the thrill [2023-06-21 18:55:24]
[Debby] : Go to Sleep [2023-06-08 16:29:57]
[Debby] : You are going to suffer like hell. [2023-05-26 10:22:26]