

曹志誠 2009-07-14 10:18 修改網誌 W-Portfolio讓我累到掛


From www.donivansblog.blogspot.com

Celebrating Christmas and trying to spend some more time with each other, the Hsiao family decided to hike up Duli Mountain, which is only a 20 minute car drive from their home(It's ...


「學以致用」一直是我們在學習過程中很重要的一環。因此我真的很感謝 文藻外語學院及交通部高雄港務局能提供給我這個實習機會至港務局公關科實習。從我踏進文藻一開始其實就有替自已設立一個目標,也就是在大學生涯中,一定要至校外實習,增廣見聞,並且盡量累積更多實務經驗。由於要升上大四了,這也將是我大學生崖中的最會後一個暑假了,於是能在實習過程中盡量學習對我來說真的是格外重要! ...


Kaohsiung Biking Trip 高雄鐵馬單車一日遊
WINDOSA Official Survey 場勘記
It's hard to believe that its been almost 6 months since I've last been able to touch my blogger account. Judging by al...

Terrorists or heros?

A great and powerful documentary has recently come up on Youtube, inspecting the French-Algerian War and independence movement. This documentary, produced by Aljazeera English, documents the ...

Donivan's Insight

Reflection....and Hope... 反省...及...希望... First of all, I want to dedicate a poem to everyone I know, and those yet to know
首先,我要送一個詩給所有人: (奇美博物館Chi-Mei Museum,2007,蕭煥諺) Hope is the thing...