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論文名稱 Impact of an intensive workshop on the EFL graduation plays
研討會開始日期 2015-06-11
研討會結束日期 2015-06-13
所有作者 Antonia Lin、Faith Hsiao
作者順序 第一作者
研討會名稱 CAES International Conference: Faces of English: Theory, Practice and Pedagogy
研討會舉行之國家 NATTWN-中華民國
研討會舉行之城市 香港
發表年份 2015

[摘要] :
文獻上雖有諸多討論有關戲劇對語言學習的影響,但是對於表演工作坊對於以英語為外語的學習者尤其是針對畢業公演的研究有限。以本研究地點為例,例行性的年度專科部學生畢業公演已經有四十年以上的歷史,但是少有相關研判。本研究以2012(12位演員)及 2013(11位演員)參與畢業公演表演工作坊的英文主修學生演員做為研究對象,探索他們對於為期十二小時的工作坊的看法與回饋。並且收集觀眾對於演出的回應。此研究以問卷調查方式進行資料收集。以量化研究為主,分析學生演員和觀眾的回應。以質性研究為輔,將學生演員對問答題的回覆,例如意見與建議做分析歸納整理。結果顯示學生演員對畢業公演表演工作坊除了抱持肯定的態度並認為有延續存在的必要性外,觀眾群也對表演成功給予認同。本研究成果將可做為與英語戲劇公演相關的實物經驗分享與學術研究引線。

關鍵字: 畢業公演,工作坊,發掘自我,自我成長

[英文摘要] :
Literature on drama has been documented focusing on its effectiveness in facilitating language learners. However, research has scarcely addressed impact of drama workshops on EFL learners, especially on a collaborative project such as a graduation play. Take the institution where this study took place, for example. The graduation play performance is held yearly and such a tradition has been over four decades, yet little research has been conducted. This study aims to discuss the effectiveness of a 12-hour drama training program on EFL learners in Taiwan, in particular the cast members from the junior college in 2012 and 2013, with 12 high-intermediate students for the former and 11 for the latter. Quantitatively, the purposes of this study aim to evaluate whether the drama workshop would make any significant difference between the groups of students and to reveal the audiences’ feedback towards the performances. Qualitatively, this study means to analyze the cast’s opinions about an intensive drama workshop supervised by the same theater manager so as to increase the quality of annual graduation play performance. Overall, the findings reveal positive feedback students gained from the audiences and recognition of their self-discovery over the period of an intensive drama workshop respectively.
Keywords: graduation play, project, drama workshop, self-discovery, personal growth

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