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[摘要] :
Dr. Paul Wong之意義療法(MT)在台灣成人教育的運用
正如奧地利意義治療(Logo Therapy)創立人維克法蘭可(Victor Frankl)所言:「人對意義的追尋是人生命的主要動機,而不是本能驅力的次要的合理化」 (Frankl, 2006, p. 99)。而提出並推動轉化學習(Transformative Learning)的成人教育者馬濟洛(Jack Mezirow)也指出,「人之所以為人就在於我們必須了解我們經驗的意義」(Mezirow, 1997, p. 5)。而自殺者選擇終結生命,也往往都是面臨生命意義感的蕩然無存—沒有甚麼他覺得值得活下去的理由。雖然意義的存在對我們的生命價值感受是如此關鍵,我們多半並不是那麼敏覺於它對我們生命的主導力量。因此,當生命面臨極大考驗時,往往受困於現實,而看不見意義,因而陷入虛無、失望、乃至絕望之境。意義治療在此時可提供幫助,幫助人由重新發現意義、建構意義中,重燃生命的希望與光彩。然而在成人教育領域的論述裡與意義治療勾連的論述並不多見,而在華藝線上圖書館的搜尋,若輸入成人教育及意義治療,是沒有結果的。因而,筆者感到這部分是有待耕耘的園地。
就如推動第二波正向心理學理論與實務工作不遺餘力的華裔學者王寶載(2012)教授所呼籲的,教育領域,當然涵括成人教育領域,「可以發動更草根的行動,教導人們負責、及有目的性的生活的重要性 (p. 19)。」我認為成人教育者在回應這樣的呼召上可以扮演重要角色。而王博士非但登高一呼,更與其他意義治療領域的貢獻者,擬出了以意義為基礎的教育架構。
關鍵字: 成人教育、意義療法、高齡學習、正向心理學、第二波正向心理學
Frankl, V. E. (2006). Men’s search for meaning. Boston, MA: Beacon.
Mezirow, J. (1997). Transformative dimension of adult learning. Sanfrancisco, CA:
Wong, Paul T. P. (2012). The human quest for meaning (2nd. ed.). New York, NY:
[英文摘要] :
The application of Dr. Paul Wong’s Meaning Therapy for Adult Education in Taiwan
As Frankl (2006) states, “Man’s search for meaning is the primary motivation in his life and not a ‘secondary rationalization’ of instinctual drives” (p. 99). Ault educator Jack Mezirow who propose and promotes transformative learning also says, “A defining condition of being human is that we have to understand the meaning of our experience” (1997, p. 5). Those who commit suicide are because their sense of meaning for life vanishes—they can no longer find a reason to live for. Even though such a “primary motivation” governs the functioning of our lives, we often are unaware of its driven force. When dramatic troubles come, we are easily succumbed by the situation and feeling confused, depressed because we feel life is void of meaning and hopeless. Meaning therapy at this point can be of help to reconstruct the meaning of one’s life so that one can gain back the courage and strength for life. However, in the discourse of adult education is not much linked to the discourse of meaning therapy. When one keying in keywords of adult education and meaning therapy in the Airiti Online Library system yields no results. Therefore, this is an area can be cultivated.
This research will be conducted through literature reviews of recent 20 years of adult education literatures of Taiwan to find discourse or practice though without the name of meaning therapy but in fact with the elements of it. On this foundation, possible ways of implementing ideas of meaning therapy in adult learning setting will also be proposed. Hermeneutical understanding and interpretation of texts will be the theoretical foundation of this research.
Though the linkage between adult education and meaning therapy was not common, there are still educational activities which apply the principles of creative value, experiential value and attitudinal value to help learners reconstruct meaning in life. For instance, in senior citizens’ learning programs, art creation, reminiscence activities, and with more examples of using positive psychology as a main approach to conduct teaching and learning can be seen.
Understanding meaning therapy can help adult educators deepen the significance of current practices and be inspired to develop new teaching materials and activities. Wong (2012) calls for “a grassroots campaign to educate people about the importance of responsible and purposeful living” (p. 19). I see adult education has an important role in responding such a calling. He not only issue such a calling, he and contributors of meaning therapy also work together to provide “the framework for meaning based education” (Wong, 2012, p. 19)
Key words: adult education, meaning therapy, senior learning, positive psychology 2.0
[參考文獻] :
Frankl, V. E. (2006). Men’s search for meaning. Boston, MA: Beacon.
Mezirow, J. (1997). Transformative dimension of adult learning. Sanfrancisco, CA:
Wong, Paul T. P. (2012). The human quest for meaning (2nd. ed.). New York, NY: