If you have the gut to show the truth, why not may as well say it out loud, says Tom Watts.
台下一個手拿字典(也不知道是中文還是英文)的外國流浪漢跟你說這一句話 記恨記這麼久 有損國格吧
But the truth is all ugly. https://youtu.be/oz49vQwSoTE
I finally find the way to cure my sciatica.
〇母啊 〇母。
自然的梳理 https://youtu.be/F1QRZki3zb8; 她吶喊著:⎡要死請早。⎦
人文的爬梳 https://youtu.be/kff7GsbagQo;去除過多的 forceful elements
you don't even see yourself going up and down, shame.
what do you do when students sleep in your class? (生活就是這麼簡單 簡單到你都看不見):https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GlIrWUDnLyA
if you can image that all the students, who represent the different points of your li...
我要的是曾家森 苦力工不好嗎
: wow, that is mean.
:well, she loves it.
When you have one gland of your ass on the past, the other on the future, you r battering the present.
我會讓 伊隆馬思克消失在地球上。