
「騎一台哈雷 我看看」

: show must go on
: just give me the fucking cigarette, would you
: have a little faith
: now i see
: wait for it

詬病 Bingo

: watch your language young man
: I would


Try to dine with the devil, you need a lolooooooong fork.

: because of how you look, one can never take you seriously.
: no one listens to me until they don't know who I am.
: two in the array.
: perfect.


「螳螂捕蟬 麻雀在後」

:it looks cute in the Museum, it does not when it's on the road.(Mother Maria)
:'the right-hand man, the left-twitching eye'.
i will see you in the sex life.

Mental Graphics create Great Memories

'so many beaches.'