蔡正飛, 2016, The Effects of Person-Enviroment Fit and External Locus of Control on Organizational Affective Commitment: a Study of Immigrant Wives in Taiwan, Journal of International Migration and Integration, 卷, 期, 其他
蔡正飛, 2016, The Effects of Person-Enviroment Fit and External Locus of Control on Organizational Affective Commitment: a Study of Immigrant Wives in Taiwan, Journal of International Migration and Integration, 卷, 期, 其他
蔡正飛, 2008, 策略性人力資源管理的道與法, 台灣台北:華立圖書公司
Philip C. F. Tsai, & Y. F. Yen, 2013, Development of Institutional Downsizing Theory: Evidence from the MNC Downsizing Strategy and HRM Practices in Taiwan, Total Quality management & Business Excellence, 卷, 26(3-4):248-262期, SSCI
Giles Hirst、Daan van Knippenberg、Qin Zhou、Cherrie Jiuhua Zhu、Philip Cheng-Fei Tsai, 2015, Exploitation and Exploration Climates’ Influence on performance and Creativity: Diminishing Returns as Function of Self-Efficacy, Journal Of Management, 10.1177/0149206315596814卷, 期, SSCI
Philip Cheng-Fei Tsai, C. Rosa Yeh & Shu-Ling Wu, 2014, The Conditioning Effect of Institutional Legitimacy on Stakeholder Influence Strategy: Evidence from Labor Unions’ Reaction of Corporate Downsizing in Taiwan, Total Qualiy Management & Business Excellence, 卷, 期, SSCI
蔡正飛、楊惠娥、謝瑞源, 2012, 減緩外籍勞工逃逸措施、留任承諾與內控性向關係的研究-以台灣楠梓加工區菲律賓籍外勞為例, 勞資關係論叢, 14卷, 1期, 其他
蔡正飞、张琼文、古蕥榕、 黄薇勋、徐欣薇, 2012, 消费者进口品偏好对跨国企业COSTCO商店印象管理绩效之影响研究-台湾地区与南韩的比较, 经济管理, 34(z1)卷, 期, 其他
Philip Cheng-Fei Tsai and Chih-Ting Shih, 2013, Labor union negotiations: stepping stones or stumbling blocks for a responsible downsizing strategy? Empirical tests in Taiwan, The International Journal of Human Resource Management, 24(3)卷, 期, SSCI
蔡正飛, 2011, 快刀斬亂麻?或力圖長治久安?跨國企業的第三次裁員風暴, 台灣在地化教學個案之建置, NATTWN-中華民國, 高雄