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論文名稱 帝國底下誕生的兩個瘋子-戰後台日兩國的退伍軍人意象-
發表日期 2016-12-01
論文收錄分類 SCI
所有作者 倉本知明
作者順序 第一作者
刊物名稱 台灣文學研究
發表卷數 第10期
發表期數 10期
期刊或學報出版地國別/地區 NATTWN-中華民國
發表年份 2016
發表月份 12
發表形式 紙本

[摘要] :

[英文摘要] :
By comparing Masuji Ibuse’s “Yohai Taicho” and Yingzhen Chen’s “The Country Village Teacher”, this essay analyses how the repatriated persons in Taiwan and Japan faced their crimes committed during war time, and explores varied issues hidden behind the questions of war responsibilities and the differences between the post-war Taiwan and Japan.During WWII, as a war correspondent, Masuji Ibuse, in “Yohai Tacho”, by portraying Yuichi Okazaki, who suffered a mental anomaly due to a head injury during the war, still acting like an Imperial soldier after the war, mocks the Japanese people who recognised the value of peace immediately after the war was over. Yuichi, who still embodied the spirit of a loyal Imperial soldier after the war, was a comic character in the novel, but his madness represents the post-war Japan who continuously denied her war responsibilities. Unlike Ibuse, Yingzhen Chen’s “The Country Village Teacher” describes the formation of the subjectivity and failures of Jingxiang Wu, a left-wing repatriated intellectual who committed cannibalism in South-east Asia. After Taiwan’s Restoration, in order to overcome his trauma, Wu tried to identify with his ideal homeland, but this attempt was completed shattered by the Cold War, and he eventually had to face the crimes committed on the battlefield. He finally committed suicide as an act of redemption. By analysing the behaviours and utterances of these two repatriated persons from different backgrounds portrayed in the two works, this essay first explores how the two writers from Japan and Taiwan narrate the psychology of repatriated persons, and then searches their post-war experiences and the problems of the formation of their underlying subjectivity. Finally, this thesis discusses the controversy of Japan’s war responsibilities from the perspectives of the abovementioned analyses, and reveals the differences between post-war Taiwan and Japan.